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These options use the energy of highly talented individuals and hence have additional donation fees associated with them. Please email us at info@SedonaQC.org with those options you are interested in or for a pricing sheet. Tell us what time of year and how many nights you plan to stay with us.

Are You Ready?

High Vibrational Food

Organic, balanced, bio-energetic, vegan, vegetarian, BBQ, superfoods, grass-fed -- we’ve got you covered! Retreat chefs live next to the Canyon Rose. So, when necessary, meal prep can occur offsite.

Sound Healing Journeys

Sedona’s sound bath talent is unprecedented. With such a host of professional performers to choose from, our concierge will ensure you hire one of the area’s best. These sound baths take your group into the etheric realms for the classic, but surreal, Sedona experience. These journeys can take place on the lawn, on the 2nd floor porch or near the water fountain.

Indigenous Experience

Other tech prepares one for an opening of the heart, third eye and crown chakras. Muscle-testing will confirm one’s readiness for the opportunity to portal through Source Energy into deeper truths. A professional facilitator assists with this transformational sacred medicine experience and integration. This option is best offered near the end of the retreat and is reserved for those who have a true alignment with Spirit and are ready to experience other dimensions of consciousness. .

Somatic Body Work

This individualized somatic/energy body work by local expert Jeff Smith draws from Reiki, Ayurvedic Nuat Thai Massage, Process Acupressure, Native North American Bodywork, Postural Bio Mechanic Assessment, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Traeger, Mayo-facial Release, Neuromuscular Trigger Point Therapy, Chakra Balancing, NLP and Shamanic techniques. Sessions are usually experienced as deep rhythmic compressions, gentle traction, deep tissue work, kneading, tapotement, energetic balancing, and postural alignment of the body. Deeply relaxed mental and emotional states allow the processing of trapped emotions and the release of blocked energetic strongholds. This often clears up “perspective” as trauma filters fall by the wayside.

Guided Hikes Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3

Hikes are typically lead by Sedona’s master trailblazer, Ben Goldsun. Canyon Rose crew members often join in for added Quantum Joy. Visit ancient ruins and epic views rarely seen by Sedona visitors. Ben’s coaching on ancestral health and spiritual uplifment brings added value to any hike. Plan to come away with a handful of nuggets and Oh Wows.

Biocharged Meditation

 Venture down to Sedona Quantum Consciousness - Sedona's spiritual and biohacking community hub. Members gather to get healing from Tesla Tech while also amplifying energy, vibration and intentions during a series of 15-minute meditations. M, W, F at 5:00pm.
See www.SedonaQC.org for details.

Spiritual Tech

A deep dive at SQC’s technology yurt catalyzes epiphanies, awareness and connection to one’s higher potential. Choices include: Tachyon chamber, theragem healing, biological age assessments and light & sound tech for moving into altered states for ascension. More at www.SedonaQC.org under “SQC Yurt”.

Hand Analysis Hand Reading

From one of the world’s foremost experts on hand analysis, Ms. Cynthia Clark. Cynthia offers guidance sessions and training in deciphering the language of the soul, personality and free will that is written in the hands. She is an expert in diving into the core of your being, helping you uncover your life purpose, life lesson, natural talents and opportunities for your greatest growth and fulfillment. She also offers unprecedented Oracle-deck readings for individuals or groups.

Master’s Level Educational Classes

Most of these courses are taught by the founder of Sedona Quantum Consciousness and The Better Being/Better Breathing Projects Mark Z. 

Mark takes the critical nuggets from his MS in Applied Breathing Sciences, 10 years as a breathing and ancestral health practitioner, 10 years as a corporate wellness director and his 14,444 hrs of meditation/prayer under the auspices of Sri Ram Chandra Consciousness to potentiate 20+ years to an attendee’s health-span. When acted upon, these nuggets will upgrade physical fitness, metabolic health, mental acuity and spiritual attunement.

Warning: Expect to secure more agency over your well-being and your ability to impact others on the physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual level. Presentations/discussions average 1.5 to 2.5hrs. Mark is open to follow-up questions over evening firepit gatherings when time allows.

Breath-Ease for 24/7 Better Being

Learn Breathings:
• Connection to Stress and Symptoms Effect on • • Health & Performance
• Myths & Impact Unveiled
• Bio-Hacks for Health & Performance

Speaker: Mark Szymczak BSIE MS-Applied Breathing Sciences Biofeedback, Meditation & Breathing Coach

Tech Accelerated Meditation

Speaker: Mark Szymczak BSIE MS-Applied Breathing Sciences Biofeedback, Meditation & Breathing Coach

Learn Inner Calm, Outer Cool & Deeper Flow:
• TAM Benefits
• Audio Visual Entrainment
• Biofeedback
• NeuroFeedback
• Apps
• Transformative Tech

Shaping Habits & Behavior

Speaker: Mark Szymczak BSIE MS-Applied Breathing Sciences Biofeedback, Meditation & Breathing Coach

• Developing Your “Why’s”
• The Benefits of Belief
• Environmental Factors
• Making it easy and attractive
• The Value of Reinforcement
• Undoing Cravings & Desires
• Creating Flow

Better Sleep for Better Living

Speaker: Mark Szymczak BSIE MS-Applied Breathing Sciences Biofeedback, Meditation & Breathing Coach

• Sleep’s Relation to Health
• Quality vs  Quantity
• Sleep Timing & Rhythms
• Pro-Sleep Habits
• Sleep “No-No’s”
• Healthy Night Breathing
• Sleep Aides & Sleep Apps

Meditation for Emotional Intelligence, Attention & Self-control

Speaker: Mark Szymczak BSIE MS-Applied Breathing Sciences Biofeedback, Meditation & Breathing Coach

• Meditation Benefits
• 5 Basic Styles - Which is right for you?
• Meditation Cross Training
• Meditation for a Busy Lifestyle
• Tech Accelerated Meditation
• Building Respiratory Fitness

BioEnergetics – the Newest Phenomenah in Longevity and Becoming Well

Taught by Bioenergetic expert, Yoga Training Teacher and Personal Health Coach, Johnathan Rickert.
Class length: 2-3 hrs.

• How to easily assess one’s metabolic health
• The biggest metabolic inhibitors and how to remove them
• Foods and ways of eating that increase metabolism
• Unique supplements for increasing energy production
• Getting ones hormones and GI tract into better shape 

Tech-Accelerated Meditation Neurofeedback Training

  Unbalanced attentional styles are often an underlying cause of excess stress, especially in the business world. The ability to move from narrow focus –when working on the computer, under fixed deadlines, or dealing with an unruly co-worker – to open focus (e.g., when in nature) is key to a more relaxed brainwave state, mental flexibility and rejuvenating sleep. Coherence and neuro-synchrony training build awareness of these states and rather quickly trains the subconscious ability to shift in and out of varied attentional styles and predominant brainwave states -alpha, beta, theta; and to a lighter degree delta & gamma. This training serves as a catalyst for moving toward deeper states in meditation or more alert states of focus and attention — without coffee or other medicinals.

Health & Performance Assessment / Training

This level of epigenetic training is not found elsewhere on the planet. Breath, brain and heart coherence through neurofeedback/biofeedback along with a little ancestral health practices profoundly upgrades physical fitness, metabolic health, mental acuity and spiritual capacity. Expect improved sleep, endurance, and productivity to develop over time. Further reward: flow-states of ease & grace with a higher potential to serve others on the physical, emotional, mental and energetic planes of consciousness.

Biofield & Chakra assessment / alignment with a BioWell practitioner

BioField assessments offer a quick window into an individual’s emotional and physiological stress or well-being. This technology provides a view of organ health and energy as well as psychophysiological balance. Scan results can confirm known issues and over time highlight new potential risks long before they manifest into further complications. The results can be motivational toward implementing alternative courses of action or behavior based on assessment results. For acute conditions, appropriate practitioner care will be suggested. BioField assessments offer a quick window into an individual’s emotional and physiological stress or well-being. This technology provides a view of organ health and energy as well as psychophysiological balance. Scan results can confirm known issues and over time highlight new potential risks long before they manifest into further complications. The results can be motivational toward implementing alternative courses of action or behavior based on assessment results. For acute conditions, appropriate practitioner care will be suggested.

Heart Quest Analytics: Biological age assessment, nervous system balance and neuro-hormonal analysis

Tap into your self healing potential by accessing this measurement of how much adaptability is available to you in your current state of health. This measurement accesses the state of over 600 different biorhythms in your body throughout a cycle of 300 heartbeats.

In this way, we get an accurate determination of your biological vs. chronological age, your level of biorhythm coherence, your psycho-emotional state, autonomic nervous system balance, and the state of your neuro-hormonal regulation. Specific organs and areas in the body that need extra healing attention are also identified.

Also included, is an assessment of the spectral mineral-hormonal ratio in your body, the health of your meridians and life force measurements, the state of your chakra system and biofield, and the balance of the six elements according Traditional Chinese medicine and the three Ayruvedic doshas.  .

Capnometry Biofeedback:

Heart, brain and breath coherence along with Respiratory Fitness are the biggest longevity hacks few understand and implement. Why? Most think “more air is better” and have been duped into thinking breath-work is healthy. Breathing analysis and coaching offered at the Canyon Rose is dubbed “Breathe-Ease”, as the focus is on helping attendees breathe better 24/7. Capnometry assessments together with appropriate Ancestral Health Coaching will add 20+ years to one’s Health-Span. See www.breathing.coach for more detail.

Ancestral Health Training

  Just 20 minutes a day training at 5000’ is all it takes to develop cardio, mental and respiratory fitness. Whether already an athlete or someone who needs a little extra energy and endurance… there is much to be gained from our level-1 training program. This is primarly led by Ancestral Health Nut and Founder of SQC, Mark Szymczak who at age 58 has a biological age between 30 and 32 years. .